Better Biomass introduces “EU RED COMPLIANT” option


The Committee of Experts Better Biomass has approved the addendum to Interpretation document N° 8 on Acceptance of other schemes. This addendum specifies that biomass certified according to voluntary schemes and national schemes that are formally recognised by the EC in the framework of the RED II can be accepted and delivered by Better Biomass certified operators as “EU RED COMPLIANT”.

No Better Biomass logo and claim

In these cases, the Better Biomass logo and claim shall not be used of any of the outgoing documents and also not by subsequent economic operators in the supply chain, including issuers of guaranties of origin for green gas or green electricity.
The interpretation does not change the fact that the claim “Better Biomass certified” means that the entire upstream supply chain, including the cultivation or collection of the raw material is certified according to Better Biomass, and the material used in the supply chain consists entirely and solely of Better Biomass material, at least on a quantity bookkeeping basis.


Economic operators which are certified to demonstrate compliance with the legal sustainability requirements of the Regeling conformiteitsbeoordeling vaste biomassa voor energietoepassingen (RCVB) are not entitled to accept materials certified under voluntary schemes and national schemes that are formally recognised by the European Commission in the framework of the RED II, other than Better Biomass. Hence, they cannot use the “EU RED Compliant” option under this legal framework.

More information

More details can be found in the interpretation document. The introduction of the “EU RED Compliant” option is expected to contribute tot the facilitation of trade of sustainable materials throughout the supply chain.