Organizations are advised to become well informed of the requirements that have to be met in order to obtain and maintain the Better Biomass certificate. These requirements depend on type of activities and the position in the supply chain as well as whether the biomass products fall within or outside the framework of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (Renewable Energy Directive) or Regeling conformiteitsbeoordeling vaste biomassa voor energietoepassingen (Dutch regulation dealing with conformity assessment of sustainable biomass for energy applications).
Better Biomass is both (provisionally) recognised by the European Commission in the framework of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 [pending finalising an Implementing Act addressing voluntary schemes] and approved by the Dutch Minister Economic Affairs and Climate Policy in the framework of Regeling conformiteitsbeoordeling vaste biomassa voor energietoepassingen.
This web page contains the current certification documents which apply to organisations that wish to become certified and to existing certificate holders, taking into account the agreed transition periods. For this reason, the previous editions of the certification documents can be found in the archive as reference.