
The figure schematically shows the organizational structure of Better Biomass. This page provides more information about the composition of the Working group “NTA 8080”, the Committee of experts “Better biomass certification scheme”, and the Scheme management committee “Better Biomass”. More information about the governance of schemes that are managed by NEN is available in the NEN Scheme management manual. The current version is available at the section Current certification documents. More information about NEN as private not-for-profit organization is available at the NEN website. For more information or in case of queries or complaints you can contact Better Biomass Scheme Management.

Working group “NTA 8080”

The standards NTA 8080-1 and NTA 8080-2 have been developed by a working group under the responsibility of the NEN policy committee “Energy resources, distribution and fuels”. The initiation of the development of these two standards was communicated by a press release in which all interested parties were invited to join this initiative. The working group consisted of experts representing the following organizations (alphabetically):

  • Branche Vereniging voor Organische Reststromen (‘Dutch Association of Biowaste Processors’; BVOR)
  • Brinkmann Consultancy
  • CE Delft
  • CNG Net
  • DEKRA Certification
  • E.On (Uniper)
  • ENECO Energie
  • Essent (RWE)
  • FSC Netherlands
  • GDF Suez (ENGIE)
  • GMSP Sustainability & Management Consultants
  • Greenpeace
  • National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
  • Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV)
  • Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
  • Platform Bio-energie (‘Platform Bioenergy’)
  • Quality Services Certification
  • Staatsbosbeheer (‘State Forest Service’)
  • Vattenfall
  • Vereniging Afvalbedrijven (‘Dutch Waste Management Association’)
  • World Wildlife Fund the Netherlands (WNF)

As part of the standards development process, a draft version has been published for public consultation that have attracted input from several experts across the world.

Committee of experts “Better Biomass certification scheme”

The Better Biomass certification scheme (NCS 8080) has been developed by a committee of experts under the responsibility of the NEN scheme management. The process of developing certification schemes is similar to developing standards. The committee of experts consisted of representatives of the following organizations (alphabetically) under chairmanship of Gerrit van Tongeren:

  • Atterro
  • ENECO Energie
  • Energy Pellets Moerdijk (Labee Group)
  • Essent (RWE)
  • GDF Suez (ENGIE)
  • Greenpeace
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs
  • Quality Services Certification
  • Schutter Group
  • Staatsbosbeheer (‘State Forest Service’)
  • Vattenfall
  • Vereniging Afvalbedrijven (‘Dutch Waste Management Association’)

As part of the certification scheme development process, a draft version of the scheme was used in pilot projects for validation. Some pilot projects took place in the framework of a Green Deal Green certificates for application of biomaterials in chemical products and plastics.

Scheme management committee “Better Biomass”

After developing and publishing the Better Biomass certification scheme the maintenance of the certification scheme continued by a dedicated scheme management committee consisting of representatives of the following organizations (alphabetically) under chairmanship of Gerrit van Tongeren:

  • ENECO Energie
  • Energy Pellets Moerdijk (Labee Group)
  • Meerlanden
  • Quality Services Certification
  • Staatsbosbeheer (‘State Forest Service’)

NEN together with their stakeholders is in the process of restructuring the scheme management committee.