The register contains an overview of all the organizations that own or has owned a “Better Biomass” certificate.
In the column ‘Scope of certificates’, the scope of the Better Biomass certificate is indicated, in which the following codes are used:
A = ‘producer’ met de volgende onderverdeling: A1 = ‘primary producer’, A2 = ‘smallholder’, A3 = ‘collector of primary residual flows’, and A4 = ‘collector of non-primary residual flows’;
B = ‘processor;
C = ‘trader;
D = ‘end-user’.
The colomn ‘Legal compliance’ indicates whether a company has been certified to demonstrate compliance with legal sustainability requirements, in which the following information is used:
RED = Directive (EU) 2018/2001 (successor of Directive 2009/28/EC);
RCVB = “Regeling conformiteitsbeoordeling vaste biomassa voor energietoepassingen”;
No = a company has been assessed outside the scope of aforementioned legislations (but still conforms to all applicable NTA 8080 requirements).
Click on the organization name to see the audit summary.
Click here for a full screen version.