Implementation new scheme documents


Nederlandse versie

We are pleased to announce that the Dutch scheme documents are now also available in the NEN webshop as of early December. On the New certification documents page you will find links to the relevant documents.

Implementation period
With the availability of the Dutch documents, a period of 6 months will start, during which it is optional for organizations to be certified according to the new versions.

After 6 months, so as of June 1, 2025, a period of 12 months will start during which it will be mandatory for organizations to be audited according to the new scheme documents.. This includes initial audits, recertification audits and surveillance audits. In the case of surveillance audits, the certificate will also be replaced by a new version that refers to the 2024 scheme documents.

Further information
Further information about webinars and information material about the changes in the new version will follow as soon as possible via this website and via news items to Better Biomass members.

If you have any questions, please contact us at