New interpretation on GHG emissions calculation for co-digestion


Nederlandse versie

The Committee of Experts Better Biomass has approved the new addendum to Interpretation Document N°8 on Greenhouse gas emissions in case of co-digestion for the production of biogas or biomethane.

The addendum specifies that in case of co-digestion of different substrates in a biogas plant for the production of biogas or biomethane, greenhouse gas emissions shall be calculated as a single value for the whole amount of biogas or biomethane and not separately for each substrate used.

The Better Biomass Committee of Experts understands the impact of this interpretation, but also
underlines the importance of a level playing field in the market. Therefore, this interpretation will be
effective as from July 1st 2024. The GHG emission calculations of all biogas and biomethane
produced from that date shall comply with this interpretation.