Archive certification documents

This page contains previous editions of the certification documents that can still apply during the agreed transition period to become certified according to the current certification documents.


The standard NTA 8080 (first edition, 2009) describes the requirements for sustainably produced biomass for energy applications. Biomass and products made from biomass can occur in a solid, liquid or gaseous state.

Order NTA 8080:2009 [via NEN Shop] or open preview of NTA 8080:2009.


The Better Biomass certification scheme describes the ‘rules’ for certification against the requirements of NTA 8080. The certification scheme has been accepted by the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA).

Order Better Biomass certification scheme edition NCS 8080:2017-04 (version linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015) [free of charge via NEN Shop]

Download Better Biomass certification scheme edition NTA 8081:2012-04 (version linked to NTA 8080:2009)

Addition 12 March 2015: Decision Better Biomass new name ‘NTA 8080 Approved’ certificate
Addition 28 May 2015: Decision Better Biomass use of logo


The certification system aims at minimizing ambiguous interpretation of the requirements. In case of interpretation issues, the Committee of Experts will define the intended interpretation of the requirement concerned and publish this interpretation in the interpretation document.

Download Interpretation document N° 7 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015, NTA 8080-2:2015 and NCS 8080:2018-08) or Download Interpretation document N° 7 ‘red line version’ (with changes tracked compared to Interpretation document N° 6).

Download Interpretation document N° 6 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015, NTA 8080-2:2015 and NCS 8080:2018-08) or Download Interpretation document N° 6 ‘red line version’ (with changes tracked compared to Interpretation document N° 5).

Download Interpretation document N° 5 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015, NTA 8080-2:2015 and NCS 8080:2018-08).

Download Interpretation document N° 4 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015).

Download Interpretation document N° 3 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015).

Download Interpretation document N° 2.1 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015).

Download Interpretation document N° 2 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015).

Download Interpretation document N° 1 (linked to NTA 8080-1:2015 and NTA 8080-2:2015).

Download Interpretation document version 07 (linked to NTA 8080:2009).