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Better Biomass approved by Dutch authorities as certification scheme for solid biomass for energy applications

The Better Biomass certification scheme has been approved in the framework of the Dutch Decree conformity assessment of solid biomass for energy applications. This approval is applicable to all five biomass categories that are distinguished, and applies for the global use of the ‘Better Biomass certified’ claim. With this approval, the market has access to a robust certification scheme to independently demonstrate the sustainable origin and utilisation of biomass for energy applications.

The Decree and the related Regulation conformity assessment of solid biomass for energy applications include the sustainability, chain-of-custody and governance requirements of the certification scheme. This set of requirements is the result of the Dutch Energy Agreement. The use of bioenergy generated by co-firing of biomass in coal-fired power plants is one to the pillars of this Energy Agreement. Societal organizations and energy producing companies have agreed on the conditions concerning sustainable sourcing and traceability of the biomass used. Energy producing companies have to demonstrate that they comply with these conditions by means of certification and/or verification. Scheme managers can submit their certification scheme to the Dutch Advisory Commission Sustainable Biomass for Energy Applications for an assessment. This advisory commission will subsequently advise the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy about the (partial) approval of the system.

Scope of approval

The Regulation distinguishes five biomass categories, ranging from biomass from (sustainably managed) forest to residues and waste from industry. The sustainability requirements that are applicable depend on the biomass category. Better Biomass has been approved for all biomass categories and for all sustainability requirements. One element would require a minor amendment. This concerns the explicit declaration that an organisation has been assessed to the definition of protected species as laid down in the Regulation. With this approval, biomass producers from all over the world can bring their products with a Better Biomass certificate to Dutch market for the production of bioenergy.

Better Biomass is not only applicable to solid biomass, but also to liquid and gaseous biomass for biofuels, power and or heat production and bio-based products. The biomass producer has more flexibility in this way to market its products under a harmonised set of sustainability requirements.

Better Biomass recognition update

The revised Better Biomass scheme was launched in April 2017, building on the second edition of NTA 8080 that contains the sustainability and chain-of-custody requirements for biomass for energy applications and bio-based products. Better Biomass is also designed to demonstrate compliance with legal requirements for sustainably produced biomass. It concerns the European Renewable Energy Directive (RED) for biofuels and bioliquids, and the Dutch regulation concerning conformity assessment of solid biomass for energy applications. In both cases, legal authorities need to recognise Better Biomass as voluntary scheme. This article provides an update about these recognition processes.

Renewable Energy Directive

Better Biomass has been submitted to the European Commission for re-recognition as voluntary scheme to demonstrate compliance with the relevant RED requirements. This recognition procedure appears to be a lengthy process. Meanwhile, the current recognition (from 2012) has expired, but is still accepted by authorities in member states where Better Biomass is applied based on temporary extensions.

The technical assessment of the revised Better Biomass scheme has been concluded, resulting in some amendments to the scheme documents by incorporating ‘RED language’ rather than referring to relevant documents. To date, the internal procedure is ongoing and a final decision is expected before the end of June 2018.

Once the European Commission has recognised the revised Better Biomass scheme as voluntary scheme, this version will also be applicable to organisations operating under the RED. This means that they have to comply with the sustainability and chain-of-custody requirements in the second edition of NTA 8080 at their next regular audit. For other organisations, the revised Better Biomass scheme is already applicable.

Sustainability of solid biomass regulation

Under the Dutch Energy Agreement, the energy sector, NGOs and government agreed on a set of sustainability requirements for solid biomass used for energy applications to be eligible for subsidy. These sustainability requirements are laid down in the Regulation concerning conformity assessment of solid biomass for energy applications, which has become effective as from 1 January 2018.

After a pre-assessment, Better Biomass has started the formal application procedure to become recognised under this regulation. The feedback from the pre-assessment has been taken into account in the scheme documents. One important aspect related to the definition of the different biomass categories that are applied in the regulation to enable distinguishing sustainability requirements among the different biomass categories. This clarification is now provided in the Better Biomass scheme documents.

According to the assessment procedure, the period from external consultation till the advice from the advisory commission to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy will take 22 weeks. Based on this time schedule, an advice will be expected in September 2018 at the latest. Better Biomass was the first scheme that submitted their documents for the pre-assessment.

Meet Better Biomass at Argus Biomass

The updated Better Biomass scheme documents will soon be published, so that they will become effective for the existing and new Better Biomass certificate holders. The certificate holders will receive more information about the possible impact of the amended Better Biomass scheme documents related to their current scope of certification.

Better Biomass scheme manager Jarno Dakhorst will participate in the Argus Biomass Conference, taking place in London on 17, 18 and 19 April 2018. Attendees of Argus Biomass can meet him for a talk how Better Biomass can contribute to make their business more sustainable in a transparent manner.


NEN is joining World Bio Markets 2018. The congress is held at Passenger Terminal Amsterdam (PTA), on the 20-22 March 2018.

At 3.05pm on Day One, NEN will be part of the Panel Discussion: Achieving Sustainability Targets

  • What does a truly sustainable business model look like?
  • What are the business drivers of adopting bio-based alternatives?
  • How can bio-based contribute towards sustainability metrics such as CO2 reduction and recycling?

With this invite, we are offering you 15% off of your full access pass Contact us for your discount code.


Better Biomass first certification scheme submitted to advisory commission under Dutch Energy Agreement

Better Biomass is the first certification scheme that has made use of the opportunity to apply for an assessment to the sustainability requirements for solid biomass, which have been agreed within the framework of the Dutch Energy Agreement. The Dutch advisory commission on sustainability of biomass for energy applications (ADBE) will assess the scheme. Stakeholders can submit their external input till 11 September 2017.

One of the pillars of the Dutch Energy Agreement is the use of bioenergy generated by co-firing of biomass in coal-fired power plants. Societal organizations and energy producing companies have agreed on the conditions concerning sustainable sourcing and traceability of the biomass used. Energy producing companies have to demonstrate that they comply with these conditions by means of certification and/or verification. Certification and verification scheme owners can submit their scheme to ADBE for assessment. Energy producing companies can then use the recognized schemes for all or part of the sustainability and traceability aspects.

External input

The procedure of ADBE includes the possibility that stakeholders can provide input on the advisory application. The ADBE is mainly looking for well substantiated facts and experiences about the practical functioning of the submitted scheme. Concerning Better Biomass, stakeholders can provide their input via the website of ADBE (in Dutch) till 11 September 2017. Only external input that meets the conditions that are listed on the website will be considered by ADBE.

Better Biomass

The revised edition of NTA 8080 has taken into account the developments linked to the Dutch Energy Agreement. The two parts of NTA 8080 describe the sustainability and chain-of-custody requirements for biomass for energy applications and bio-based products. Companies have to comply with the NTA 8080 requirements to qualify for the Better Biomass certificate. The Better Biomass certification scheme includes the assessment method by certification bodies and the criteria for granting a certificate. The updated Better Biomass certification scheme was published in April.

More information

The web portal contains more information about the certification system and the related documents. You can contact Jarno Dakhorst via or by phone number +31 15 2 690 245 for additional information.

NEN at Bio-Based Live

NEN is joining the Bio-Based Live Europe Congress as an exhibitor. The congress is held at University of Amsterdam, Science Park on the 31st May and 1st June 2017.

At 4.15pm on Day One, NEN will host the Standards and certifications Roundtable and at 12noon on Day Two, they will host the session ‘Certification: Using Standards and Labelling to Communicate important characteristics of bio-based product’ allowing for learning and discussion between our senior attendees and a fantastic insight into what is happening in the industry right now.

With this invite, we are offering you 15% off of your full access pass Contact us for your discount code.

OR, if you’re employed by a Brand or Retailer then you can attend for free by clicking here.

New version of Better Biomass scheme published for sustainable biomass certification

PRESS RELEASE – The updated Better Biomass certification scheme has been published by NEN. This scheme enables certification to the 2nd edition of NTA 8080, the standard including sustainability and chain-of-custody requirements. The updated scheme is not only applicable to bioenergy, but also to bio-based products. In addition, the scheme is aligned with the sustainability requirements in the amended Renewable Energy Directive and those agreed within the Dutch Energy Agreement related to solid biomass. So, Better Biomass is up-to-date to facilitate the transition towards a (circular) bioeconomy with credible certification regarding the sustainability of the biomass used.

The biobased economy is an emerging economy, replacing fossil-based raw materials with bio-based materials (i.e. biomass) with potentially environmental and socio-economic benefits. One important aspect to make this transition successful is demonstrating that the biomass used is sustainably sourced. NTA 8080 describes the sustainability and chain-of-custody requirements, to trace back the origin of biomass. The Better Biomass certification scheme describes the certification rules under supervision of an accreditation council. With Better Biomass certification companies can demonstrate via an independent assessment that they comply with state-of-the-art sustainability criteria as described in NTA 8080.

Non-RED and RED biomass products

Better Biomass is one of the recognized voluntary schemes to demonstrate compliance with the sustainability requirements as laid down in Directive 2009/28/EC, also known as the Renewable Energy Directive (RED). The new version of the Better Biomass certification scheme is under reassessment. Pending this procedure, the new version of the Better Biomass certification scheme is not yet applicable to biomass products that are intended for biofuels (fuel for transport) or bioliquids (liquid fuel for other energy purposes),  i.e. fall within the scope of RED.

By launching the new version of Better Biomass certification scheme, companies active in the supply chain for bio-based products can start using Better Biomass and also companies in the field of solid and gaseous biomass can upgrade their certification by implementing the state-of-the-art sustainability criteria.

More information

The webportal provides more information and documentation about the Better Biomass certification scheme. Interested parties are also invited to join the Better Biomass Day that will be organized on 7 June 2017. For more information, contact the Better Biomass scheme managers by e-mail or phone +31 15 2 690 326.

Better Biomass Event – Wednesday 7 June –

Presentation of the Better Biomass Event

Jarno Dakhorst:Better Biomass Day – Updates certification system

Hylko Brandsma: Energy Pellets Moerdijk

Paul Hendrix: Better Biomass Eneco Presentatie

Zoltan Elek: Vortrag Better Biomass

Daniël Pol: ERGar General Presentation – Better Biomass 

Mariël Rouschop: Presentatie QS Certification

Eric Evers: DEKRA Better Biomass

Jeroen van Schendel: Presentatie Bio4Pack

Link to the report of the Better Biomass event: Report Better Biomass Event



NEN presentation and exhibition stand at World Biomass Markets, 27-29 March

NEN is participating in the World Biomass Markets in Amsterdam, 27th to 29th March. On Monday 27th March, during the World Bio Brands Markets, NEN will give a presentation titled: Shaping the bioeconomy with bio-based content and sustainable biomass certification. In this lecture, Harmen Willemse will discuss the two certification systems: Better Biomass and Bio-based content, focussing on how they enable credible claims regarding important characteristics for bio-based products and biomass for energy applications.

On the 28th and 29 of March, NEN will have a stand at the World Bio Markets exhibition, where our team will be available to discuss the opportunities of Better Biomass and Biobased content certification. Come visit us in our booth or schedule 1-2-1 private partnering meetings using the WBM Partnering App!

Workshop: Better Biomass certification: demonstrating sustainability of the biomass in bio-based products

27 October 2015 16:00 – 18:30 pm.

Square Brussels Meeting Centre
Pre-conference event to EFIB

The event will be preceded by a workshop on Public Procurement of Bio-based products.

Better Biomass is the international certification system for solid, liquid and gaseous biomass. The Better Biomass certificate is used to demonstrate the sustainability of the biomass used for bio-based products, fuels or energy. The certification system has originally been established (and recognized) to demonstrate compliance with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) and recently expanded its scope to include bio-based products.

During the workshop the participants will be informed about the underlying sustainability criteria of the certification system and how they can demonstrate compliance. Case examples of certified companies will be presented and the possibilities to use the Better Biomass in (public) procurement procedures will be discussed. The workshop will conclude with an informal part where participants can address experts for individual questions, or exchange ideas with other participants.

The workshop is taking place on 27 October 2015 in Brussels from 16:00 pm – 18:30 pm. Places are limited. Pre-register here for participation. Formal invitations will be sent to a selection of pre-registered candidates. Participation without invitation is not possible.

〉 Workshop pre-registration

Workshop agenda

16:00 Welcome and introductions

16:10 Presentation of Better Biomass sustainability criteria
Overview of the updated sustainability criteria, including:
– Carbon debt
– ILUC (Indirect Land-Use Change)
– Cascading use of biomass
– Biodiversity
– Bio-based products

16:30 Cases of Better Biomass certified companies
– Eneco Bio Golden Raand: Generating sustainable electricity form painted/limed residue wood
– other cases: to be confirmed

17:00 Issuing of new Better Biomass certificates
Reception and opportunity for exchange with experts

18:30 Closure

Eneco’s biomass plant receives Better Biomass certificate

– First certificate under new name

On the 6th of May in Delfzijl, the Netherlands, Eneco received the Better Biomass certificate for her new biomass plant Bio Golden Raand. The certificate was issued by Jorn Bronsvoort, director of QS Certification. With this certificate, Eneco demonstrates that the plant in Delfzijl, which produces electricity from waste wood, complies with the international criteria for sustainably produced biomass. IMG_2189

‘Better Biomass’ is the new name for the certificates that are issued based on NTA 8080 to companies which produce, trade or process sustainable biomass. Bio Golden Raand is the first biomass plant in the world which has obtained the Better Biomass certificate by its new name.

Eneco has agreed with its biomass suppliers that they will all obtain the Better Biomass certificate before the end of 2015. This satisfies WWF, with which the energy company has a partnership. Arjette Stevens, Senior Advisor Biomass at the WWF, emphasizes the importance of certification: ’WWF welcomes this first important step, by which Eneco show that it is taking the lead in the Netherlands in the use of really sustainable resources for energy production. We are happy that Eneco chooses for waste wood instead of felling trees. The use of waste reduces the pressure on the forests.

The role of NEN
NEN, the Dutch standardisation institute, manages the certification scheme, which is linked to the Better Biomass certificate and supports the revision, which includes the name change. Piet-Hein Daverveldt, director of NEN, about the first Better Biomass certificate: ‘We are proud that Eneco tops her efforts to increase the sustainability of the supply chain with the Better Biomass certificate. It proves once more that this certification system is a very useful instrument for companies to ensure the sustainability of the used biomass‘.